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  AnalyzeBin is a binary editor that analyzes binary data using C language data types, and displays and edits data grids.
  When I was analyzing the internals of Windows, I thought it would be nice to have a tool that could visualize data using C language data types, so I created it. This program adds a binary editor function to that program. Although the current binary editor part lacks functionality as an editor, we have released it because we believe it can be used to understand and edit data structures.


  1. You can analyze C language data types, display binary data in a data grid, and edit it.
  2. Array data can refer to and update the data of the specified index in the data grid.
  3. Even without binary data, you can analyze the data type and create data for specified items.
  4. The data type to be analyzed can be mapped from any address using JMP instructions.
  5. When loading a binary file, you can specify the file reading start position. (Usage example: PointerToRawData of section data in PE file format)
  6. When loading a binary file, you can specify the display start position to be mapped. (Usage example: VirtualAddress of section data in PE file format)

Operating environment

Terms of use

Free software. Available for free.
Use this software at your own risk. The author is not liable for any damages or disadvantages resulting from use.

Download Version Version
*When the message "Windows protected youru PC" is displayed after starting the exe file, click the "More info" link and then click the "Run anyway" button.

About donations

If you like this software, please consider donating with PayPal. The donations received will be used for development costs.
I cannot respond to refunds of donations once sent.
In addition, there will be no difference in the addition of functions and support depending on whether or not there is a donation.
Please note.

Donate with PayPal

Usage overview

  1. Unzip the downloaded compressed file and copy it to an appropriate folder.

  2. Start "AnalyzeBin.exe" in the folder.

  3. This application is divided into three areas.
    From left to right:
    • Binary editor area
    • Analysis text area
    • Data grid area
    The data grid part displays the data for each line of the analysis text area.

  4. Load the file you want to analyze with "File" - "Open binary file".
    The file is displayed as binary data in the binary editor area.
    *If text is entered in the analysis text area, analysis processing and display on the data grid area are also performed.

  5. Enter the text you want to analyze in the analysis text area and press the "Analyze" button or the F5 key.
    char a[10]
    int b
    word c

  6. If the parsing is successful, the variables in analysis text area will be underlined and the data will be displayed in data grid area.

Binary editor area

  1. >When reading a binary file, the maximum size is 2GBytes.Since everything is processed on-memory, it will be heavy if the file size is large. If it becomes heavy, please adjust the file read size.

  2. The character display area can be switched to the following character codes.
    • ASCII
    • ShiftJIS
    • UTF-8
    • UTF-16

  3. Search can be done in hexadecimal (append 0x) or as a string. Strings are searched with binary values corresponding to character codes.

  4. When you open a binary file, if you specify the file reading start position or the file read size and save it, after copying the original file, the file will be saved from the file read start position.

Analysis text area

  1. The following C language data types and keywords can be written in the analysis text area. Assuming that the structure or union definition in the header file will be pasted and used as is, it can be written in the form of a "type variable". You can also specify arrays up to one dimension. There is no problem even if the ; (semicolon) at the end of the line is omitted.

  2. After pressing the "Analyze" button, clicking the head of the structure or the line describing the data type with the mouse will select the corresponding binary editor area and data grid area.

  3. Recognized data types
    The initial state is as follows. The data type also recognizes lowercase letters.
    data type byte with sign or unsign
    BYTE 1 unsign
    CHAR 1 with sign
    SHORT 2 with sign
    WORD 2 unsign
    INT 4 with sign
    LONG 4 with sign
    DWORD 4 unsign
    LONGLONG 8 with sign
    ULONGLONG 8 unsign
    FLOAT 4 with sign
    DOUBLE 8 with sign

    You can also add data types on the "Set data type" daialog displayed by selecting "Edit (E)" - "Set data type" from the menu.
    *For keywords, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and _ (underbar) can be registered, but
      when executing "Analyze", lowercase letters and uppercase letters are not distinguished.
    *The number of bytes can only be set to 1, 2, 4, or 8.
    *For floating point numbers, only "signed" can be set.
    *The settings made in set data type daialog will be saved as a "DataType.csv" file under the directory
      where the EXE file is located when the program ends.

  4. recognizable keywords
    • struct
    • union
    • #define *1
    • //
    • /* */
    • jmp *2

        *1・・・ The replacement value can be a hexadecimal value (add 0x), a decimal value, or a #define
             You can also perform four arithmetic operations on them.
                       #define D_A  5
                       #define D_B  (0x10 - D_A)*2    // (16 - 5)*2 = 22
                       #define D_C  3+D_A                //  3 +  5 =   8 
                       jmp     D_B+3                         // 22 +  3 =  25
                       char    a[D_C + 0xd]               //  8 + 13 =  21

        *2・・・ Although jmp is not C language, you can specify the start address of the next line.
             The address can be in the same format as *1, define values, and variables described later.
                       JMP 0xF0
                        struct { // The address here will be 0xF0

  5. variable
    The variable gets the binary data from the offset and sets it as a number. Variables can be specified in the jmp address and array subscript. Variables can be specified in the jmp address and array subscript.
    The conditions for obtaining variable data are that the variable declaration is written above, and the variable to be used and that binary data can be obtained.
                 struct sA {
                    short  size;
                    long   addr;
                JMP A[1].addr            // The binary value of A[1].addr becomes the starting address of the next line.
                char test[ A[1].size ];  // The binary value of A[1].size is the test array size.

  6. endian combobox
    Change endianness.The endian changes the Value (Hex) and Value (Dec) of the data grid area.

  7. memory alignment combobox
    The Memory Alignment combobox sets whether to perform memory alignment adjustments for variables, currently "None" and "x86 | MS VisualC" can be selected.
    • If "x86 | MS VisualC" is selected, the offset is the calculated alignment adjustment generated by MS VisualC.
          struct A {
              char    a1; // Set the offset here to 0.
              double b1; // The offset here is 1 for "NONE" and 8 for "x86 | MS VisualC".

  8. In the analyzing process, consider row matching with the data grid,The following C language descriptions cannot be recognized.
    • Structure inside structure or union
      →  Copy the structure definition.
          unrecognized example)
                 typedef struct {
                   char a1;
                 } A;
                 struct B {
                   A C[10];
          Correction example)Copy and insert the structure definition
                 struct B {
                   typedef struct {
                     char a1;
                   } C[10];

    • Description spanning multiple lines
          →  keep it in one line
          unrecognized example)
              char a

Data grid area

  1. In analysis text area, perform the "Analyze" process and display the data of the line whose data type has been recognized. Comment lines and blank lines are gray lines.

  2. Selecting a line selects the corresponding binary editor part and analysis text part.

  3. The editable columns are: For other columns, edit the analysis text area and perform the "Analyze" process again.
    • Value(Hex)*excluding floating point(float, double)
    • Value(Dec)
    • array index *for only arrays

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